I remember when we went to Baguio City and Benguet to see the wonderful strawberry farm there; we were so amused with the friendly people there. Baguio is the only place in the world I know so far that has a 12-month strawberry season with fresh delicious strawberries year round. During the actual strawberry season- November until May, vendors of fresh strawberries are all over the city selling tasty strawberries in the streets. We also bought some fresh strawberries and eat a lot of them. As we walk along in this beautiful, cool-breeze and scenic place, in Benguet and eating strawberries, we noticed that the farmers are so eager and happy planting and harvesting the strawberries. We also allowed planting some of it and also reaping the fruits. What an amazing experience. I brought enough of it to bake from fresh strawberries and to accomplish what I have planning to do after our vacation in Baguio. Wonderful, my wife and I perfectly baked our strawberry muffins!
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