1. Apple
They say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While this holds true, do you also know that it is the safest fruit to eat before or after every workout? An apple contains one of the lowest sugar levels and Glycemic Index (GI) among all fruits. Studies show that apples reduce blood cholesterol levels and control one’s appetite to crave for more food. Low GI level diet, on the other hand, slowly trickles glucose into your blood stream to keep your energy levels balanced so you will feel fuller longer between meals. It is also a rich source of dietary fiber that aids digestion and promote weight loss. Apples are also rich sources of phytochemicals that act as antioxidants. They are found to play some roles in inhibiting age-related problem and preventing wrinkles, giving you that young-looking skin to compliment a lean, toned body. It is advisable to eat one to two regular-sized apples daily.
2. Pear
Just like apples, pears are ideal for weight management. They contain fiber and water that easily fills up an empty stomach, thus controlling one’s appetite to crave for more food. It also prolongs physical endurance due to its low GI carb level. Its high fiber content also helps in the slow release of sugars into the body, thereby helping maintain a steady blood sugar level. Pears also contain anti-oxidant nutrients that help boost the body’s immune system. They also contain high level of boron which helps the body retain calcium for stronger bones. Studies also reveal that pears help relieve pains due to various inflammation problems. Eat at least one pear a day before workout.
3. Pineapple
When it comes to fiber content, pineapples have one of the highest among all other fruits. Fiber-rich fruits allow healthy digestion and help people lose weight easily. It compliments every workout routine as it also provides the adequate energy for the body to burn. Pineapples are also rich in phytochemicals that shield the body from free radicals that cause cancer. They also contain Vitamin C that helps boost the body’s immune system for diprevention. But it is always recommended to eat one serving of fresh pineapple than canned slices. It is also better to eat it in fruit form than juice to maintain its beneficial high fiber content. One serving is equivalent to one slice of a regular-sized pineapple.
4. Banana
I often see my gym mates eating bananas after working out. So I got curious about the banana diet. I found out that bananas are known to be energy-boosters. They replenish the amount of energy that has been used up by the body during heavy workout. It is also rich in potassium that regulates blood pressure. It is advisable to consume one to two bananas within 30 minutes to one hour after your workout. Take note, however, that eating bananas before workout may not be advisable. Instead of consuming energy-rich bananas, it is recommended to take protein-rich foods and complex carbohydrates such as rice and bread in preparation for your workout.
5. Orange
Don’t squeeze the orange too much as most of this fruit’s fibers may be diminished. Just like any other fruits, it is always best to consume oranges in their whole form instead of juice. But if you want to take it in liquid form, you should always include the pulps and never add sugar to sweeten the taste. The more natural it is, the better, so you get all the vitamins and minerals needed for your healthy body. Oranges are naturally low in sugar compared to watermelons and grapes, so you don’t have to worry about shooting up your blood sugar levels. Orange pulps are rich in fiber that is essential in weight loss and food digestion, perfect for those who are on strict diet. Oranges also have the highest Vitamin C content, making it the best immune booster to combat any form of sickness.
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